Blue Green Algae

What to do if you spot Blue Green Algae


Report it.

Report it to the Ministry of the Environment 1-800-268-6060

Notify MACA Lake Steward Tim Hagarty at or (705) 457-4595

Avoid it.

Do not go in the water and do not let your pets go in the water.

Don’t use it.

Do not use the water for drinking, bathing or washing dishes if the lake is your primary water source.

Preventative Measures


You Can Help Prevent Blue Green Algae Blooms (door hanger content)

grass 2.jpg

Grass Clippings - An Unexpected Culprit

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A Natural Shoreline is a Lake’s Best Defence

Articles and Links

Dangerous Algal Toxin Now Also Found in Air

The Science Times


Causation Studies on Five Muskoka Lakes


Algae Blooms in Ontario’s Lakes: Analyzing the trends



Ontario MEC Blue-green Algae Webpage


What Causes Blue-green Algal Blooms?



HKPR Blue-green Algae Webpage


Cyanobacteria Blooms: A Hot Mess

Podcast - Liz Favot


Protecting Your Pets